Dublin, Ireland Co-located with ICST 2023
Papers are to be submitted via EasyChair in the following link:
Call for Papers for more details.
The application of AI techniques in software testing is in its early stages. In the last few years, software developers have increasingly adopted novel techniques to ease the development cycle, namely the testing phase, by means of autonomous testing and/or optimization of repetitive and tedious activities.
AI can transform software testing by supporting efficient testing activities and increasing automation, which ultimately leads to a reduction in testing costs and improvements in software quality. The AIST workshop aims to gather researchers and practitioners to present, discuss, and foster collaboration on novel and up-to-date R&D focused on the application of AI in software testing, with an inclusive view of the many perspectives and topics under the AI umbrella.
9:00 - 10:30: Opening and Research Papers 1
11:00 - 12:30: Keynote
Sebastiano Panichella, Testing and Development Challenges for Complex Cyber-Physical Systems: Insights from the COSMOS H2020 Project
14:00 - 15:30: Research Papers 2
16:00 - 17:30: Discussion and Mind-Mapping
Topic: “Software Testing in 2030”
Testing and Development Challenges for Complex Cyber-Physical Systems: Insights from the COSMOS H2020 Project
Abstract: Over the past decade, the development of Cyber-Physical systems (CPSs) has enabled significant advancements in healthcare, avionics, automotive, railway, and robotics. Notably, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Self-driving Cars (SDCs) have emerged as the frontrunners in avionics and automotive sectors, showcasing autonomous capabilities through onboard cameras and sensors. These systems have opened doors to a range of applications, including crop monitoring, medical and food delivery, and 3D reconstruction of archaeological and space exploration sites. However, the state-of-the-art technology still lacks solutions that can operate in real-life missions due to limited testing solutions, which remains the biggest challenge.
This keynote will discuss the testing and development challenges faced by the COSMOS H2020 Project ( https://www.cosmos-devops.org/) in the context of complex CPSs. COSMOS brings together a consortium of four academic and eight industrial partners, with organizations from healthcare, avionics, automotive, utility, and railway sectors. The talk will focus on the studies conducted by COSMOS to identify the types of bugs affecting CPSs and the safety-critical issues of UAVs, along with the selection and prioritization strategies proposed for cost-effective regression testing of SDCs. Additionally, the talk will cover automated testing approaches for UAVs, addressing the issue of the “Reality-gap”.
The keynote will also provide success stories and lessons learned from applying these testing approaches in industrial settings, and outline future directions for generic CPSs and specific use cases such as UAVs and SDCs. Join us for an insightful discussion on the challenges and solutions of testing and developing CPSs in real-life scenarios.
Biography: Sebastiano Panichella is a Computer Science Researcher at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). His main research goal is to conduct industrial research, involving both industrial and academic collaborations, to sustain the Internet of Things (IoT) vision where future “smart cities” will be characterized by millions of smart systems (e.g., cyber-physical systems such as drones, and other autonomous vehicles) connected over the internet, composed by AI components, and/or controlled by complex embedded software implemented for the cloud. His research interests are in the domain of Software Engineering (SE), cloud computing (CC), and Data Science (DS). Currently, he is the technical coordinator of H2020 and Innosuisse projects concerning DevOps for Complex Cyber-physical Systems. He authored or co-authored around nighty papers that appeared in International Conferences and Journals.
This research works involved studies with industrial and open projects and received best paper awards or best paper nominations. He serves and has served as a program committee member for various International conferences and as a reviewer for various international journals in the field of software engineering.
We invite novel papers from both academia and industry on AI applied to software testing that cover, but are not limited to, the following aspects:
Papers can be of one of the following types:
The reviewing process is single blind. Therefore, papers do not need to be anonymized. Papers must conform to the two-column IEEE conference publication format and should be submitted via EasyChair using the following link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icstw23
All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Submissions will be evaluated according to the relevance and originality of the work and on their ability to generate discussions between the participants of the workshop. Each submission will be reviewed by three reviewers, and all accepted papers will be published as part of the ICST proceedings. For all accepted papers, at least one author must register in the workshop and present the paper.